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Service Areas

Community Outreach

The Illinois Eye Institute is involved in numerous community outreach programs to support the needs of citizens throughout Chicagoland and beyond.

Community Advisory Board

ICO has established a Community Advisory Board that includes representatives from local organizations, schools, churches who gather as needed to discuss community-related information. Pilgrim Baptist Church, the Mid-South Planning & Development Commission, the Greater Chicago Neighborhoods, the Near South Planning Board, and Olivet Baptist Church are just a few of the organizations that participate.

Developmental Disabilities Service 
The DDS is committed to serving developmentally disabled patients with the fullest extent of services possible, as well as training future doctors to meet the multiple eye and vision care needs of special populations. Services are provided at the IEI. F
aculty and students also coordinate and participate each year in the provision of vision and eye health screenings as well as eyewear for Special Olympians.


Illinois School for the Visually Impaired
Twice a year, IEI faculty and residents travel to Jacksonville, Ill., to provide low vision services to the children at the 
Illinois School for the Visually Impaired. The Lions Club provides children with any low vision devices required to assist them with their education and daily activities.


InfantSEE initiative of the American Optometric Association ensures that eye and vision care becomes an integral part of infant wellness to improve a child’s quality of life. Comprehensive infant eye assessments are provided as a public health service within the first year of life at no cost to the patient/family.


Special Olympics
The IEI has long been the official provider of eye care for the 
Special Olympics. IEI students and faculty attend the Opening Eyes and Medfest vision screenings each year and, working with several sponsoring ophthalmic organizations, provide protective eyewear and glasses to athletes free of charge.


Vision of Hope
Since the inception of the Affordable Care Act, there has been a marked decline in the number of uninsured adults serviced by the Illinois Eye Institute. The Vision of Hope program can assist low income and un/under-insured patients as related to eye and vision services. The Illinois Eye Institute’s patient financial services team is ready and willing to assist patients and health centers in need of our services and can be contacted at 


Vision Screenings
The IEI provides free vision screening services at schools and events in the Chicagoland area. For more information, please
contact Dr. Katie Foreman.



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