For Providers
Make A Referral
Community healthcare providers like you are essential to help the Illinois Eye Institute fulfill its mission. The IEI has world renowned optometrists and ophthalmologists in all areas of sub-specialty eye care including: glaucoma, pediatrics, retina/vitreous, cornea, cataract, anterior segment, neuro-ophthalmology and vision rehabilitation. IEI’s state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies are available to assist you in the diagnosis and management of your patients.
Download Printable Form (PDF)
Patient Info
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Referral Info
Referring Patients for: (check all that apply):
should we ABC this???
Retina and Diabetes Eye Service
Cornea and Contact Lens Service
Dry Eye Service
Myopia Control
Corneal Crosslinking
Refractive Surgery Consult
Low Vision Rehabilitation
Pediatrics / Binocular Vision
Special Populations Service
Electrodiagnostic Service
Other (please explain below)
Diagnostic Testing
Referring Patients for: (check all that apply):
OCT of anterior chamber angle
OCT of macula
OCT with Angioplex
Fundus Photos
Topography / Tomography
A-Scan / IOL Master
Visual Field Testing
Endothelial Cell Count
Completing this portion of the form will allow our consulting doctors to provide correspondence in a timely manner.
Call my patient to make appointment
My patient will call to schedule appointment
Appointment Made for
We pledge to be compassionate, timely, and accessible to you and your patients.
We are committed to providing excellent and customized service to you and your staff.
Our staff will inform you of your patient’s appointment date and time.
Upon completion of the service request, a comprehensive report with all appropriate test results will be sent to your office.
You will have the opportunity to co-manage your patient.
You will be informed of all treatment decisions and outcomes.
Thank you for choosing and trusting the Illinois Eye Institute. We look forward to sharing in the care of your patients.